Tuesday, 29 January 2008

Obama Jumps Ino Bed With The Devil

Having been disappointed with the lack of policies espoused by Obama, it was with shock to see that he received the endorsement of Senator Edward Kennedy yesterday.

Why Obama would want Kennedy's endorsement is beyond me. However, it is to the credit of the American people that Kennedy has remained on the periphery of US politics. This despite his family name.

Notwithstanding Kennedy's support of the IRA during the 70s and 80s; to paraphrase the now immortal words of Rosie O'Donnel - "Senator Edward Kennedy and Chappaquiddick. Google it!"


Carlw4514 said...

I really got the feeling the younger Kennedys got Old Man Ted to do this.

Mark Peters said...

If I was Obama, I would have preferred not to have his endorsement. That and Leahy's ...

Not that it did him much good. Brother Robert's family went for Billary, as did the voters. As I wrote before, kudos to the US for keeping the likes of Reid, Kennedy and Leahy on the fringe.